"Forca" in Italian means power, and in addition to strength and positive energy, we have a wealth of optimism, skills and abilities that will refine your passions and successfully bring your ideas to your customers.

"Forca" in Italian means power, and in addition to strength and positive energy, we have a wealth of optimism, skills and abilities that will refine your passions and successfully bring all of your ideas to your customers.

About us

We are a digital agency in Zagreb that helps you promote your business with some of the most current digital tools available in the market. Our accessibility and distribution of networking in all domains will enable you to prosper and bring your business to the highest level.

“Forca” in Italian means power, and in addition to strength and positive energy, we have a wealth of optimism, skills and abilities that will refine your passions and successfully bring all of your ideas to your customers.

About us

We are a digital agency in Zagreb that helps you promote your business with some of the most current digital tools available in the market. Our accessibility and distribution of networking in all domains will enable you to prosper and bring your business to the highest level.

“Forca” in Italian means power, and in addition to strength and positive energy, we have a wealth of optimism, skills and abilities that will refine your passions and successfully bring all of your ideas to your customers.

Forca Digital Agency
is a Memeber of

Croatian Employers' Association

MBA Croatia

Voice of Entrepreneurs

Željka Barišić

CEO and founder at Forca Digital Agency

An entrepreneur and athlete, Željka graduated in Economics from the Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade in Dubrovnik. She is passionate about sales, finance, travel and good books. For more than ten years, she has been engaged in integrated marketing communication, working in market research agencies and Business Intelligence in Zagreb. Forca Digital Agency is her digital marketing, event management and game development agency. She is also a blogger and lecturer at the InspireMe portal and conference, and is a journalist for the Poduzetnik and Lider magazines. She has been intensively engaged in sales and networking for the last decade and is a lecturer at the EdukaCenter and ZICER Plavi Ured. She is the founder of Adria Business Network.

Željka Barišić

CEO and founder at Forca Digital Agency

An entrepreneur and athlete, Željka graduated in Economics from the Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade in Dubrovnik. She is passionate about sales, finance, travel and good books. For more than ten years, she has been engaged in integrated marketing communication, working in market research agencies and Business Intelligence in Zagreb. Forca Digital Agency is her digital marketing, event management and game development agency. She is also a blogger and lecturer at the InspireMe portal and conference, and is a journalist for the Poduzetnik and Lider magazines. She has been intensively engaged in sales and networking for the last decade and is a lecturer at the EdukaCenter and ZICER Plavi Ured. She is the founder of Adria Business Network.

Vrijeme izazova - biti i ostati uspješan

Pozivamo vas na online Adria Business Network #5 koji će se održati putem platforme Zoom

24.6.2020. u 18 sati,

u organizaciji poduzetnica Željke Barišić, vlasnice Forca Digital Agency i
Kristine Krstinić, vlasnice MIKRIS Project Managementa.

Naša tema ovog puta bit će Vrijeme izazova – biti i ostati uspješan,
a naš gost Dario Marenić, vlasnik tvrtke Elda.

Predviđeno trajanje događaja je 40 minuta, gost će održati predavanje u trajanju od 25 minuta,
a potom slijede vaša pitanja.

Sudjelovanje na događaju je besplatno, a prijave su putem linka:
(Meeting ID: 857 7823 5212)

Generalni pokrovitelji događaja su Poliklinika Bagatin, Kreativ info
te Kongresni centar FORUM Zagreb.

Srebrni sponzor je FINA – Financijska agencija.

Pratiti nas možete putem službene Facebook i Instagram stranice Adria Business Network,
istoimenog YouTube kanala
te na web stranicama www.forcadigitalagency.com & www.mikris.eu

Meeting ID: 202 345 549
Password: 027045

Veselimo se prvom virtualnom druženju! Dobro nam došli! 😃
Kristina i Željka 😃

Prvi Adria Business Network ONLINE